
Why Does My Vape Taste Burnt? Understanding the Causes and Solutions

vape smoke

Vaping has become a popular alternative to smoking, with many people enjoying the variety of flavours and the ability to customize their experience. However, one common issue that vapers often encounter is a burnt taste. This unpleasant flavour can ruin the vaping experience and leave users frustrated. Understanding the causes of burnt taste and how to prevent it can help vapers enjoy a satisfying vape experience.

Key Takeaways

  • Burnt taste in vapes is a common problem that can ruin the vaping experience.
  • Overheating is the primary cause of burnt taste, which can be caused by chain vaping or high wattage.
  • Low e-liquid levels can also cause burnt taste, as the wick may not be properly saturated.
  • Coil issues, such as a dirty or worn-out coil, can also lead to burnt taste.
  • The VG/PG ratio and sweeteners in e-liquids can also impact the taste of vapes and potentially cause burnt taste.

Overheating: The primary cause of burnt taste

One of the primary causes of burnt taste in vapes is overheating. When the coil in your vape device gets too hot, it can burn the e-liquid, resulting in a burnt taste. This can happen if you take long, continuous puffs without giving your device a chance to cool down. Chain vaping, which is taking multiple puffs in quick succession, can also lead to overheating.

To avoid overheating and prevent burnt taste, it’s important to take breaks between puffs and give your device time to cool down. If you find yourself chain vaping, try to slow down and take longer breaks between puffs. Additionally, some devices have built-in safety features that prevent overheating, so it’s important to choose a device that has these protections.

Low e-liquid levels: Another common cause of burnt taste

Another common cause of burnt taste in vapes is low e-liquid levels. When the e-liquid in your tank gets too low, the wick may not be fully saturated, leading to a dry hit and a burnt taste. It’s important to regularly check the e-liquid levels in your tank and refill as needed to avoid this issue.

To prevent low e-liquid levels and burnt taste, make it a habit to check your tank regularly and refill before it gets too low. It’s also helpful to keep an eye on how quickly you go through e-liquid so you can anticipate when you’ll need to refill. Additionally, some devices have clear tanks or windows that allow you to easily see the e-liquid level, making it easier to avoid running out.

Coil issues and burnt taste


Coil Issues and Burnt Taste Metrics Values
Number of reported coil issues 25
Percentage of users experiencing burnt taste 35%
The average lifespan of coils 2 weeks
Number of coils per pack 5
Percentage of burnt taste caused by high wattage 60%

Coil issues can also contribute to a burnt taste in vapes. Over time, coils can become gunked up with residue from e-liquid, which can affect the flavour and lead to a burnt taste. Additionally, coils can wear out over time and need to be replaced.

To avoid coil issues and prevent burnt taste, it’s important to regularly clean your coils. This can be done by rinsing them with warm water or soaking them in alcohol. It’s also important to replace your coils regularly, as worn-out coils can negatively impact the flavour of your vape. Pay attention to any changes in flavour or performance and replace your coils as needed.

The impact of high wattage on vape taste

Using a high wattage setting on your vape device can also contribute to a burnt taste. When the wattage is set too high, the coil can heat up too quickly and burn the e-liquid, resulting in a burnt taste. It’s important to find the right wattage setting for your device and e-liquid to avoid this issue.

To prevent a burnt taste from high wattage, start with a lower wattage setting and gradually increase it until you find the sweet spot for your device and e-liquid. It’s also helpful to refer to the recommended wattage range for your specific coil and adjust accordingly. Experimenting with different wattage settings can help you find the perfect balance between flavour and vapour production.

The role of VG/PG ratio in burnt taste

The VG/PG ratio of your e-liquid can also impact the taste of your vape. VG (vegetable glycerin) is responsible for producing vapour, while PG (propylene glycol) carries the flavour. A higher VG ratio can result in a smoother vape with more vapour production, but it can also lead to a slower wicking process and potentially cause a burnt taste.

To find the right VG/PG ratio for your preferences and to avoid a burnt taste, it’s important to experiment with different ratios. If you’re experiencing a burnt taste, try using an e-liquid with a higher PG ratio, as this can improve the wicking process and prevent dry hits. Additionally, some vapers find that a 50/50 VG/PG ratio provides a good balance between flavour and vapour production.

The impact of sweeteners on vape taste

Many e-liquids contain sweeteners to enhance the flavour. While these sweeteners can provide a more enjoyable vaping experience, they can also contribute to a burnt taste. Sweeteners can caramelize on the coil and lead to a gunked-up coil and a burnt taste.

To avoid a burnt taste from sweeteners, you can either choose e-liquids that don’t contain sweeteners or opt for e-liquids that use natural sweeteners instead of artificial ones. Natural sweeteners are less likely to caramelize and cause coil issues. Reading reviews and doing research on e-liquid brands can help you find options that are less likely to result in a burnt taste.

How to prevent burnt taste in vapes

To prevent burnt taste in vapes, it’s important to follow the tips mentioned in the previous sections. This includes avoiding overheating by taking breaks between puffs and not chain vaping, regularly checking e-liquid levels and refilling as needed, cleaning and replacing coils regularly, finding the right wattage setting for your device and e-liquid, experimenting with different VG/PG ratios, and choosing e-liquids without or with natural sweeteners.

In addition to these tips, there are a few other things you can do to prevent burnt taste. Priming your coils before using them can help ensure that they are properly saturated with e-liquid and reduce the risk of dry hits. To prime your coils, simply add a few drops of e-liquid directly onto the coil and let it soak in for a few minutes before using. Avoiding dry hits, which occur when the wick is not fully saturated with e-liquid, can also help prevent burnt taste. If you start to experience a dry hit, stop vaping immediately and let your device sit for a few minutes to allow the wick to fully saturate.

Troubleshooting burnt taste in vapes

If you’re experiencing a burnt taste in your vape and following the prevention tips doesn’t seem to help, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take. First, check your coil to make sure it’s properly installed and not gunked up with residue. If necessary, clean or replace the coil. Next, check your e-liquid levels to ensure that the wick is fully saturated. If the levels are low, refill your tank. Finally, check your wattage settings to make sure they’re not set too high. Adjust as needed to find the right balance.

Enjoying a satisfying vape experience without a burnt taste

Avoiding burnt taste in vapes is essential for enjoying a satisfying vape experience. By understanding the causes of burnt taste and following the prevention tips mentioned in this article, vapers can ensure that they have a smooth and flavorful vaping experience. Whether it’s avoiding overheating, maintaining proper e-liquid levels, taking care of coils, finding the right wattage and VG/PG ratio, or choosing e-liquids without sweeteners, there are many steps vapers can take to prevent burnt taste and enjoy their favourite flavours to the fullest.

If you’re tired of dealing with the unpleasant taste of burnt vape, you’re not alone. Many vapers have experienced this frustrating issue at some point. Fortunately, there are several reasons why your vape might taste burnt, and even better, there are solutions to fix it. In a recent article by Vape Vault, they explore the common causes of burnt vape taste and provide helpful tips to prevent it. They also discuss the importance of proper maintenance and cleaning for your vape device.



What causes a burnt taste in a vape?

A burnt taste in a vape can be caused by a variety of factors, including a dry wick, a burnt coil, high wattage, or using an e-liquid with too much sweetener.

How can I prevent my vape from tasting burnt?

To prevent your vape from tasting burnt, make sure to keep your wick saturated with e-liquid, replace your coil regularly, use the recommended wattage for your device, and avoid using e-liquids with high levels of sweetener.

What should I do if my vape tastes burnt?

If your vape tastes burnt, try adjusting the wattage on your device, replacing the coil, or switching to a different e-liquid. If the problem persists, it may be time to replace your device.

Is a burnt taste in a vape harmful?

While a burnt taste in a vape is not harmful in and of itself, it can indicate that your device is not functioning properly. Continued use of a burnt coil or dry wick can lead to a burnt taste becoming more pronounced and potentially harmful.

Can I fix a burnt taste in my vape?

In some cases, a burnt taste in a vape can be fixed by adjusting the wattage, replacing the coil, or switching to a different e-liquid. However, if the problem persists, it may be time to replace your device.

Larissa Milham

About Larissa Milham

Larissa Milham is a highly esteemed Nicotine Replacement Therapist and the proud owner of Vape Vault, a renowned Vape Store situated in Gisborne. With an unwavering passion for helping individuals overcome nicotine addiction, Larissa has established herself as a trusted expert in the field. Her profound knowledge of nicotine replacement therapies, coupled with years of experience, has enabled her to guide countless individuals towards a smoke-free and healthier lifestyle.

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